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Dear brother priests, welcome to the clergy section of Integrity Restored.

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As confessors, spiritual directors, and pastors you have a privileged role to play in the recovery and conversion of the countless men, women, and young people who suffer bondage to sexual sin and pornography addiction.

Our hope, is that this page will be an invaluable resource for you and your parishioners. The other sections of our website are designed to offer assistance to individuals, spouses, and parents. This page is intended to assist you as you walk with your parishioners in the healing process. As we continue to add content to this page you will find sample homilies, tips for confessors and pastoral counselors, and educational materials for both adult faith formation and formation of young people in the virtue of chastity.

Blessed Pope Paul VI reminded us that “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” You are called within your vocation to bear witness to the love of Christ that you receive each day through personal prayer and the sacraments. Then, in turn, you become an example of that love in relation to your people. In the modern world, you are just as much at risk for temptation as your parishioners.

If this is a particular struggle for you, we also hope that Integrity Restored will also be a resource to find healing, strength, and hope for your own recovery.